FAITH DEVELOPMENT Refuel your body, mind and spirit through a variety of programs and opportunities for learning, serving, prayer, and fellowship.
LEARNING Bible Study Tuesday at Noon, at our Bible Study for Curious Minds, all questions and thoughts are welcome as we seek to apply God’s Word to our lives today. Daughters of the King Meets monthly for prayer and service activities. Adult Classes During the year classes in spiritual practices, theology, preparation for membership and book groups are offered. Baptism & Confirmation Preparation for baptism for adults and children are offered as needed. Confirmation is a time of intentional reflection on living the Christian faith offered for youth and adults.
SERVING We believe we meet Christ in our neighbor and grow in faith through serving others in the name of Christ. Volunteer opportunities include the Wednesday Community Meal, Episcopal Extras, visitation, teaching, hospitality and more.
PRAYER Prayers for Healing Every Sunday during Communion prayers for healing, including the laying on of hands and anointing with oil are available at the Fr. Kano Healing Chapel in the back of church. Prayers for Peace Every Sunday, and as announced for other occasions, you’re welcome to light candles and offer prayers for peace (in the world, your neighborhood, your family…) in the Peace Chapel in the back of church. Look for the large icon of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace.
FELLOWSHIP Men’s and Women’s Dinner Groups on the second Tuesday of each month. Campfire and singalong on the west lawn